(Bilbo Baggins)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Blow spurs, blow

The Mavs season opener against the spurs is looming. I'm really hoping for a smack-down.

I wonder if the mavs/spurs rivalry is as intense in san antonio. Most people up here take it personally when people wear spurs gear. When we were waiting in line for the scrimmage the mavs had at UNT two girls walked by in spurs shirts and got booed by like 300 people. Including me.

Even when the spurs were really good a few years ago I couldn't take them seriously not only because they were from san antonio, a city I've never been particularly fond of, but they had the absolute worst colors. Remember that south-western motif? Yeah, very tacky.

The Heat (who (or is it whom? I can never remember) I also hate) got spanked by the bulls today. The Bulls!!! The worst season opener ever for a championship defending team.

The new season of the LaBrons has started. You know, those badass Nike commercials with LaBron James as 4 different people. I do love that LaBron.

But enough about basketball, on to the kitties!!! It seems like White Kitty gets dumber every day. He started eating plastic. We have also noticed that Black Kitty is much better at playing with the catnip tennis balls we bought. He can jump up to my waist and paw it across a room pretty fast, but White Kitty just can't seem to get the hang of it.

When we first got the kitties, I was more smitten with white kitty's good looks, soft fur, and willingness to cuddle. But now I favor black kitty's craftiness. Black kitty will cuddle, but on his terms, which makes the cuddles more special. As Martha remarked the other day, white kitty doesn't care where the cuddles come from, as long as they keep coming.

1 comment:

DM said...

We too have one "easy" pet and one that only snuggles up when he wants to. Felix's attention is absolutely more special, and apparently he actually notices when we leave him at Jake's house. Oscar couldn't care less!