(Bilbo Baggins)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Mavs 2-4

Okay so the Mavs had a ruff start this season. They'll make the play offs for sure, but if they keep blowing games they wont get home court advantage. Those of us that are not fair-weather fans (and Dallas fans are VERY fair-weather, I've noticed) say they'll go 78-4 this season.

The only sports team I go for that hasn't disappointed me in the past few months is the Clippers. The Steelers are sucking, not that I regularly watch football (UT also recently lost a game, even though I care even less about college football than the NFL), the Mavs lost their first 4 games and Nadal hasn't been doing well. The Clippers are 5-1 and until like last year were one of the worst teams in the NFL for years. What's worse is they beat the Mavs and some people thought I was rooting for them. Sigh.

Anyway, the last time I went to Albany I forgot to put my gas cap back on after I gassed up. Well I did the same thing this time. Ugh, and those things cost like 15 USD.

Enough blogging, it's kitty time!

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