(Bilbo Baggins)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Thing About Dallas

A few weeks ago I figured out why Dallas is so lame to me- there aren't enough people my age living here.

Most of the people my age that do live here either go to or went to SMU for undergrad or didn't go to college at all- and in both cases, I'm sad to say, I don't have enough in common with them to want to be friends with them.

And that's the thing about Dallas- only two universities within the city limits, both of them private. No public universities. So if you want to go to college in Dallas you basically have to be upper-middle class, unless you got a scholarship.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being upper-middle class, but I do definitely think there's something wrong with surrounding yourself with people that grew up the exact same way you did your entire life. This sort of thing happens at schools like Harvard, but lets be real- SMU is no Harvard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

UTD entering freshman have the highest SAT scores in the state.